Tuesday, May 6, 2008

April 25, 2008 Work Group 2 Notes

Improving Foster Parent/Bio Parent Teaming
Informal icebreakers between foster and birth parents focused on child
- not required, should be?
PRIDE training – “new school” foster parents
Team meetings: now only occur when there’s a crisis
Have a foster parent more as a mentor to bio parent?
Should expect on-going relationship after reunification between foster parent and biological parent
Tell Foster parents at orientation training that they are expected to have these relationships
Line social worker role in promoting these relationships for the benefit of the child
County has foster parent resource social workers
Screening of foster parents up front about their expectations and department goals
Lifebooks, photos, mementos to ease transition
County sponsored social events for birth parents and foster parents

Mentoring of bio parent – start off with social worker there the first few times to allay concerns
Birth parents who have gone through experience serve as mentor to birth parents currently in system – parent partners
Get bio parents involved in medical appointments, hands on training in how to care for kid (especially with special needs)

Foster parent recruitment/expectations
- word of mouth
- specific child focused
Require participation in other events – Head Start,

Sibling relationships
Relationship between foster parents who have siblings placed among them
Some FFAs will not allow sibling visits in their foster homes

Foster parents (especially who want to adopt kid) may not want bio parent relationship
Lack of uniform foster parent training on these bonding issues
No training/education support on how to handle conflict/tension in bio parent- foster parent relationship for good of child
Visits between bio parent and kid
- foster parents not always comfortable supervising
- Relatives more amenable to do this

Case Worker- Foster Parent Relationship and Others
Foster Parents don’t hear from social workers
FFA social worker can serve as the intermediary
FFA practices not consistent
Public Health Nurses need to be part of team with foster parent and social workers
Caseworker caseloads too high to properly do all of these things

Law enforcement – role?
- training in trauma of removal

· not getting information from social workers, foster parents bio parents most foster parents don’t come
· Foster parents don’t know they can submit information to court
· Parents don’t get a copy of the court report before court and get in and are shocked to read report
· Have team meeting to go over report prior to court hearing

More training for foster parents on early childhood development and traumatized children
DCFS social worker training to get line workers change mentality/attitude
Recruit birth parents to be part of foster parent training program
Learn about special discipline techniques for traumatized youth
Parking lot issue
Shelter “tea party”

FOR NEXT TIME… - Mental Health and Child Welfare – Start May agenda

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